Friday, June 15, 2012

It's Starting to Come Together...

So yesterday we sold my car.  Less gas to pay for, less insurance to pay, and more cash in our pocket.  All necessary things to prepare for our big trip!!  Selling my car was a lot harder than I thought it would be.  I mean, it's just a car, right?  But it's only my second car.  It's the car Daniel and I bought when he first moved to Fayetteville.  It's the car we brought Noah home from the hospital in.  It's the car we spent countless hours on the road going all around the state.  No, it's not just a car; it's a vehicle for memories!

PLUS, we bought our tickets this morning.  Our official day for leaving the country is August 6th.  We're flying out of Raleigh at 7:40 at night.  Raleigh to Charlotte, Charlotte to Rio!  So this is really happening!  EEK!! 

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